Smos Logo Smos

A comprehensive self-management system

Actions Reference

Not all available actions have a default keybinding.

This is a list of all actions that you can configure. See the customisation documentation and the reference documentation .

Name Description
appendNextActionFilter Append a character onto the filter bar
appendOngoingFilter Append a character onto the filter bar
appendTimestampsFilter Append a character onto the filter bar
appendWaitingFilter Append a character onto the filter bar
appendWorkFilter Append a character onto the filter bar
browserAppendChar Append a character into the new file or directory being created in the file browser.
browserArchive Move the current file to the Archive.
browserCompleteDir Complete the current file or directory in progress to a new directory.
browserCompleteFile Complete the current file or directory in progress to a new file.
browserDeleteChar Delete a characer from the new file or directory being created in the file browser.
browserEnter Enter the file if a file is selected, toggle collapsing the directory if a directory is selected
browserFilterAppendChar Append a character to the file browser filter bar
browserFilterDeleteChar Delete a character from the file browser filter bar
browserFilterInsertChar Insert a character into the file browser filter bar
browserFilterRemoveChar Remove a character from the file browser filter bar
browserInsertChar Insert a character into the new file or directory being created in the file browser.
browserRedo Redo the last non-movement action in the file browser.
browserRedoAny Redo the last action in the file browser, even if it was a movement.
browserRemoveChar Remove a characer from the new file or directory being created in the file browser.
browserRemoveEmptyDir Remove the currently selected empty directory. This does nothing if the directory is not empty.
browserSelectFilter Select the file browser filter bar
browserSelectFirst Select the first file or directory in the file browser.
browserSelectLast Select the last file or directory in the file browser.
browserSelectNext Select the next file or directory in the file browser.
browserSelectNextChar Select the next characer in the new file or directory being created in the file browser.
browserSelectPrev Select the previous file or directory in the file browser.
browserSelectPrevChar Select the previous characer in the new file or directory being created in the file browser.
browserStartNew Start a new file or directory in the file browser.
browserStartNewBelowAtEnd Start a new file or directory within the selected directory in the file browser, at the end.
browserStartNewBelowAtStart Start a new file or directory within the selected directory in the file browser, at the start.
browserStopNew Abort creating the new file or directory in the file browser.
browserToggleCollapse Select toggle collapsing the currently selected directory
browserToggleCollapseRecursively Select toggle collapsing the currently selected directory recursively
browserUndo Undo the last action non-movement action in the file browser.
browserUndoAny Undo the last action in the file browser, even if it was a movement.
browserUnselectFilter Select the file browser, not the filter
contentsAppend Append a character into the contents in front of the cursor
contentsAppendNewline Append a newline into the contents in front of the cursor
contentsDelete Remove a character from the contents
contentsInsert Insert a character into the contents in front of the cursor
contentsInsertNewline Insert a newline into the contents in front of the cursor
contentsMoveDown Move down in the contents
contentsMoveLeft Move left in the contents
contentsMoveRight Move right in the contents
contentsMoveToBeginningOfWord Move to the beginning of the word in the contents
contentsMoveToEndOfLine Move to the of the current line in the contents
contentsMoveToEndOfWord Move to the end of the word in the contents
contentsMoveToNextWord Move to the next word in the contents
contentsMoveToPrevWord Move to the previous word in the contents
contentsMoveToStartOfLine Move to the start of the current line in the contents
contentsMoveUp Move up in the contents
contentsRemove Remove a character from the contents
contentsUse_emacs Use emacs to edit the contents of the current entry.
contentsUse_vim Use vim to edit the contents of the current entry.
convArchiveFile Archive the current file and switch to the file browser in the projects directory. Note that this action cannot be undone. It will not archive a file outside of the workflow directory but still switch to the projects directory in the browser.
convCopyContentsToClipboard Copy the contents of the selected entry to the system clipboard
convDoneAndWaitForResponse Mark the current task as 'Done', add a new entry called 'Waiting for a response from ' WAITINg entry with the header selected at the end.
convNewEntryAndClockIn Create a new entry and clock in immediately
convOpenUrl Open the url in the 'url' property of the currently selected entry
convRepinged Mark the current task as 'done', add a new entry called 'Ping' and add a new WAITING entry below that, that duplicates the original entry.
convResponded Mark the current task as 'done' and add a done entry with 'Responded' below the original entry.
convRespondedButStillWaiting Mark the current task as 'done', add a done entry with 'Responded' below the orginal entry, and add a new entry below that duplicates the original entry.
convUrlWaitingForReview Mark the currently selected entry as DONE, add a new one below with state WAITING for review, and select the url property.
deleteNextActionFilter Remove the character in filter bar under cursor
deleteOngoingFilter Remove the character in filter bar under cursor
deleteTimestampsFilter Remove the character in filter bar under cursor
deleteWaitingFilter Remove the character in filter bar under cursor
deleteWorkFilter Remove the character in filter bar under cursor
enterNextActionFile Enter the currently selected next action
enterOngoingFile Enter the currently selected ongoing entry
enterStuckFile Enter the currently selected stuck project
enterTimestampsFile Enter the currently selected timestamps entry
enterWaitingFile Enter the currently selected waiting entry
enterWorkFile Select the last entry in the work report
entrySelectContents Select the current Entry's contents at the end
entrySelectContentsAtStart Select the current Entry's contents at the start
entrySelectHeaderAtEnd Select the current Entry's header and select the end
entrySelectHeaderAtStart Select the current Entry's header and select the start
entrySelectLogbook Select the current Entry's logbook
entrySelectProperties Select the current Entry's properties
entrySelectStateHistory Select the current Entry's state history
entrySelectTagsFromBack Select the current Entry's tags from the back
entrySelectTagsFromStart Select the current Entry's tags
entrySelectTimestamps Select the current Entry's timestamps
entrySelectWhole Select the whole current Entry
entrySetTodoState_CANCELLED Set the given TODO state of the selected current entry to CANCELLED
entrySetTodoState_DONE Set the given TODO state of the selected current entry to DONE
entrySetTodoState_FAILED Set the given TODO state of the selected current entry to FAILED
entrySetTodoState_NEXT Set the given TODO state of the selected current entry to NEXT
entrySetTodoState_READY Set the given TODO state of the selected current entry to READY
entrySetTodoState_STARTED Set the given TODO state of the selected current entry to STARTED
entrySetTodoState_TODO Set the given TODO state of the selected current entry to TODO
entrySetTodoState_WAITING Set the given TODO state of the selected current entry to WAITING
entryToggleTodoState_CANCELLED Toggle the given TODO state of the selected current entry to CANCELLED
entryToggleTodoState_DONE Toggle the given TODO state of the selected current entry to DONE
entryToggleTodoState_FAILED Toggle the given TODO state of the selected current entry to FAILED
entryToggleTodoState_NEXT Toggle the given TODO state of the selected current entry to NEXT
entryToggleTodoState_READY Toggle the given TODO state of the selected current entry to READY
entryToggleTodoState_STARTED Toggle the given TODO state of the selected current entry to STARTED
entryToggleTodoState_TODO Toggle the given TODO state of the selected current entry to TODO
entryToggleTodoState_WAITING Toggle the given TODO state of the selected current entry to WAITING
entryUnsetTodoState Unset the TODO state of the selected current entry
exitHelp Exit the help screen
exitReport Exit any smos report, back to open file or browser
firstNextAction Select the first next action
firstOngoing Select the first entry in the ongoing report
firstStuck Select the first entry in the stuck report
firstTimestamps Select the first entry in the timestamps report
firstWaiting Select the first entry in the waiting report
firstWork Select the first entry in the work report
forestClockOutEverywhereInAllFiles Clock out everywhere in all files
forestClockOutEverywhereInAllFilesAndClockInHere Clock out everywhere in all files and clock in at the current entry
forestClockOutEverywhereInThisFile Clock out everywhere in this file
forestClockOutEverywhereInThisFileAndClockInHere Clock out everywhere in this file and clock in at the current entry
forestDeleteCurrentEntry Delete the current entry
forestDeleteCurrentSubTree Delete the current entry and all entries below
forestDemoteEntry Demotes the current entry
forestDemoteSubTree Demotes the current sub tree
forestInsertEntryAfter Insert an entry after the currently selected entry, on the same level
forestInsertEntryAfterAndSelectHeader Insert an entry after the currently selected entry, on the same level, and select its header
forestInsertEntryBefore Insert an entry before the currently selected header, on the same level
forestInsertEntryBeforeAndSelectHeader Insert an entry before the currently selected entry, on the same level, and select its header
forestInsertEntryBelowAtEnd Insert an entry below the currently selected entry at the start of the list of child nodes
forestInsertEntryBelowAtEndAndSelectHeader Insert an entry below the currently selected entry at the start of the list of child nodes and select its header
forestInsertEntryBelowAtStart Insert an entry below the currently selected entry at the end of the list of child nodes
forestInsertEntryBelowAtStartAndSelectHeader Insert an entry below the currently selected entry at the end of the list of child nodes and select its header
forestMoveDown Move the current cursor down to the previous entry in the entry forest
forestMoveLeft Move the current cursor to the parent entry in the entry forest
forestMoveRight Move the current cursor to the first child of the current entry in the entry forest
forestMoveToFirst Move the current cursor up to the first entry in the entry forest
forestMoveToLast Move the current cursor down to the last entry in the entry forest
forestMoveUp Move the current cursor up to the previous entry in the entry forest
forestPromoteEntry Promotes the current entry
forestPromoteSubTree Promotes the current sub tree
forestSwapDown Swap the current and the next entry on the same level.
forestSwapUp Swap the current and the previous entry on the same level.
forestToggleCollapse Toggle collapsing the current sub forest
forestToggleCollapseEntireEntry Toggle the hiding of the current entire entry
forestToggleCollapseEntryContents Toggle the hiding of the contents of the current entry
forestToggleCollapseEntryHistory Toggle the hiding of the history of the current entry
forestToggleCollapseEntryLogbook Toggle the hiding of the logbook of the current entry
forestToggleCollapseEntryProperties Toggle the hiding of the properties of the current entry
forestToggleCollapseEntryTimestamps Toggle the hiding of the timestamps of the current entry
forestToggleCollapseRecursively Toggle collapsing the current sub forest recursively
headerAppend Append a character into the header in front of the cursor
headerDelete Remove a character from the header
headerInsert Insert a character into the header in front of the cursor
headerMoveLeft Move left in the header
headerMoveRight Move right in the header
headerMoveToBeginningOfWord Move to the beginning of a word in the header
headerMoveToEnd Move to the end of the header
headerMoveToEndOfWord Move to the end of a word in the header
headerMoveToNextWord Move to the next word in the header
headerMoveToPrevWord Move to the previous word in the header
headerMoveToStart Move to the start of the header
headerRemove Remove a character from the header
helpAppend insert a character into the help search bar
helpDelete remove a character from the help search bar
helpDown Scroll down in the help screen
helpEnd Scroll to the end of the help screen
helpInsert insert a character into the help search bar
helpRemove remove a character from the help search bar
helpSelectHelp Deselect the help search bar
helpSelectSearch Select the help search bar
helpStart Scroll to the start of the screen
helpToggleSelection Toggle between selecting and deselecting the search bar
helpUp Scroll up in the help screen
insertNextActionFilter Insert a character into the filter bar
insertOngoingFilter Insert a character into the filter bar
insertTimestampsFilter Insert a character into the filter bar
insertWaitingFilter Insert a character into the filter bar
insertWorkFilter Insert a character into the filter bar
lastNextAction Select the last next action
lastOngoing Select the last entry in the ongoing report
lastStuck Select the last entry in the stuck report
lastTimestamps Select the last entry in the timestamps report
lastWaiting Select the last entry in the waiting report
lastWork Select the last entry in the work report
logbookClockIn Clock in the currently selected entry.
logbookClockOut Clock out the currently selected entry.
nextNextAction Select the next next action
nextOngoing Select the next entry in the ongoing report
nextStuck Select the next entry in the stuck report
nextTimestamps Select the next entry in the timestamps report
nextWaiting Select the next entry in the waiting report
nextWork Select the next entry in the work report
prevNextAction Select the previous next action
prevOngoing Select the previous entry in the ongoing report
prevStuck Select the previous entry in the stuck report
prevTimestamps Select the previous entry in the timestamps report
prevWaiting Select the previous entry in the waiting report
prevWork Select the previous entry in the work report
propertiesAppend Insert a character at the cursor select the space before it
propertiesAppendNewProperty Append a new property before the currently selected property
propertiesDelete Delete from the properties cursor
propertiesEditProperty_assignee Start editing a property with the given name, create it if it does not exist yet
propertiesEditProperty_brainpower Start editing a property with the given name, create it if it does not exist yet
propertiesEditProperty_client Start editing a property with the given name, create it if it does not exist yet
propertiesEditProperty_effort Start editing a property with the given name, create it if it does not exist yet
propertiesEditProperty_email_address Start editing a property with the given name, create it if it does not exist yet
propertiesEditProperty_goal Start editing a property with the given name, create it if it does not exist yet
propertiesEditProperty_lead Start editing a property with the given name, create it if it does not exist yet
propertiesEditProperty_phone_number Start editing a property with the given name, create it if it does not exist yet
propertiesEditProperty_timewindow Start editing a property with the given name, create it if it does not exist yet
propertiesEditProperty_url Start editing a property with the given name, create it if it does not exist yet
propertiesEditProperty_waiting_threshold Start editing a property with the given name, create it if it does not exist yet
propertiesInsert Insert a character at the cursor select the space after it
propertiesInsertNewProperty Insert a new property before the currently selected property
propertiesMoveDown Move down in the properties cursor
propertiesMoveLeft Move left in the properties cursor
propertiesMoveRight Move right in the properties cursor
propertiesMoveUp Move up in the properties cursor
propertiesRemove Remove from the properties cursor
propertiesToggleSelected Switch the properties cursor selection between the property name and value
quit Quit Smos
redo Redo the last non-movement action
redoAny Redo the last action, even if it was a movement
removeNextActionFilter Remove the character in filter bar before cursor
removeOngoingFilter Remove the character in filter bar before cursor
removeTimestampsFilter Remove the character in filter bar before cursor
removeWaitingFilter Remove the character in filter bar before cursor
removeWorkFilter Remove the character in filter bar before cursor
reportNextActions Next action report
reportOngoing Ongoing report
reportStuck Stuck report
reportTimestamps Timestamps report
reportWaiting Waiting report
reportWork Work report
saveFile Save the current file
selectBrowserArchive Save the current file and switch to the file browser in the Archive directory.
selectBrowserClient Save the current file and switch to the file browser in the Client directory.
selectBrowserProjects Save the current file and switch to the file browser in the Projects directory.
selectBrowserReview Save the current file and switch to the file browser in the Review directory.
selectBrowserSide Save the current file and switch to the file browser in the Side directory.
selectBrowserWorkflow Save the current file and switch to the file browser in the Workflow directory.
selectEditor Hide the help screen
selectHelp Show the (contextual) help screen
selectNextActionFilter Select the next action filter bar
selectNextActionReport Select the next action report
selectOngoingFilter Select the ongoing filter bar
selectOngoingReport Select the ongoing report
selectTimestampsFilter Select the timestamps filter bar
selectTimestampsReport Select the timestamps report
selectWaitingFilter Select the waiting filter bar
selectWaitingReport Select the waiting report
selectWorkFilter Select the work filter bar
selectWorkReport Select the work report
startEntryFromEmptyAndSelectHeader Start a first entry in an empty Smos File and select its header
subtreeSetTodoState_CANCELLED Set the given TODO state on all of the entries in the current subtree to CANCELLED
subtreeSetTodoState_DONE Set the given TODO state on all of the entries in the current subtree to DONE
subtreeSetTodoState_FAILED Set the given TODO state on all of the entries in the current subtree to FAILED
subtreeSetTodoState_NEXT Set the given TODO state on all of the entries in the current subtree to NEXT
subtreeSetTodoState_READY Set the given TODO state on all of the entries in the current subtree to READY
subtreeSetTodoState_STARTED Set the given TODO state on all of the entries in the current subtree to STARTED
subtreeSetTodoState_TODO Set the given TODO state on all of the entries in the current subtree to TODO
subtreeSetTodoState_WAITING Set the given TODO state on all of the entries in the current subtree to WAITING
subtreeUnsetTodoState Unset the TODO state on all of the entries in the current subtree
tagsAppend Insert a character at the cursor select the space before it
tagsDelete Delete from the tags cursor
tagsInsert Insert a character at the cursor select the space after it
tagsNext Move right in the tags cursor
tagsNextTag Move to the previous tag in the tags cursor
tagsPrev Move left in the tags cursor
tagsPrevTag Move to the next tag in the tags cursor
tagsRemove Remove from the tags cursor
tagsSet_code Set the code tag
tagsSet_external Set the external tag
tagsSet_home Set the home tag
tagsSet_offline Set the offline tag
tagsSet_online Set the online tag
tagsSet_power Set the power tag
tagsSet_toast Set the toast tag
tagsSet_work Set the work tag
tagsSplit Separate current tab into two after typing `:`
tagsToggle_code Toggle the code tag
tagsToggle_external Toggle the external tag
tagsToggle_home Toggle the home tag
tagsToggle_offline Toggle the offline tag
tagsToggle_online Toggle the online tag
tagsToggle_power Toggle the power tag
tagsToggle_toast Toggle the toast tag
tagsToggle_work Toggle the work tag
tagsUnset_code Unset the code tag
tagsUnset_external Unset the external tag
tagsUnset_home Unset the home tag
tagsUnset_offline Unset the offline tag
tagsUnset_online Unset the online tag
tagsUnset_power Unset the power tag
tagsUnset_toast Unset the toast tag
tagsUnset_work Unset the work tag
timestampsAppend Append a character into the current timestamp cursor, whether that be the name or the timestamp itself
timestampsDelete Delete one character in the current timestamps cursor
timestampsInsert Insert a character into the current timestamp cursor, whether that be the name or the timestamp itself
timestampsMoveLeft Move one character to the left in the current timestamps cursor
timestampsMoveRight Move one character to the right in the current timestamps cursor
timestampsRemove Remove one character in the current timestamps cursor
timestampsSelect_AFTER Select a timestamp for name AFTER
timestampsSelect_BEGIN Select a timestamp for name BEGIN
timestampsSelect_DEADLINE Select a timestamp for name DEADLINE
timestampsSelect_END Select a timestamp for name END
timestampsSelect_SCHEDULED Select a timestamp for name SCHEDULED
timestampsToggle Switch between selecting the timestamp name or date
undo Undo the last non-movement action
undoAny Undo the last action, even if it was a movement