This report shows you all your projects in order of when you last touched them.
This report shows you all your projects in order of when you last touched them.
smos-query stuck [FILTER] [--threshold TIME] FILTER A filter to filter projects by --threshold The threshold at which to color stuck projects red default: Weeks 3
SMOS_STUCK_THRESHOLD TIME The threshold at which to color stuck projects red default: Weeks 3
The threshold at which to color stuck projects red default: Weeks 3 stuck.threshold: # or null def: Time # any of [ # Time string, for example: # 2s # 2 seconds # 3m # 3 minutes # 4h # 4 hours # 5d # 5 days # 6w # 6 weeks # 7mo # 7 months # 8y # 8 years <string> , # Interpreted as a number of days <integer> # 64 bit unsigned integer ]
Usage: smos-query stuck [FILTER] [--threshold TIME] Run the stuck projects report Available settings: Show this help text switch: -h|--help A filter to filter projects by argument: FILTER The threshold at which to color stuck projects red option: --threshold TIME env: SMOS_STUCK_THRESHOLD TIME config: stuck.threshold: # or null def: Time # any of [ # Time string, for example: # 2s # 2 seconds # 3m # 3 minutes # 4h # 4 hours # 5d # 5 days # 6w # 6 weeks # 7mo # 7 months # 8y # 8 years <string> , # Interpreted as a number of days <integer> # 64 bit unsigned integer ] default: Weeks 3