Smos Logo Smos

A comprehensive self-management system

The Smos Web Server

Documentation for the Smos Web Server, for hosting your own Smos in the browser

You can set up your own Smos Web Server to host your own web interface for smos.



Usage: smos-web-server [--config-file FILE_PATH] [--log-level ARG] [--port PORT]
                       [--docs-url URL] [--api-url URL] [--web-url URL] 
                       [--data-dir FILEPATH] [--google-analytics-tracking CODE] 
                       [--google-search-console-verification CODE]

  Smos Web Server version: 0.13.0
  Oldest supported Smos server API version: 0.0.0
  Newest supported Smos server API version: 0.4.0

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text
  --config-file FILE_PATH  The config file to use
  --log-level ARG          The log level to use, options:
  --port PORT              The port to serve web requests on
  --docs-url URL           The url to the docs site to refer to
  --api-url URL            The url for the api to use
  --web-url URL            The url that this web server is served from
  --data-dir FILEPATH      The directory to store workflows during editing
  --google-analytics-tracking CODE
                           The Google analytics tracking code
  --google-search-console-verification CODE
                           The Google search console verification code


Available environment variables:

                         The url for the api to use
                         Workflow directory
                         The directory to store workflows
                         during editing
                         The url to the docs site to refer to
                         The Google analytics tracking
                         The Google search console
                         verification code
                         The minimal severity of log
                         The port to serve web requests on
                         The url that this web server is
                         served from


# Configuration
log-level: # optional
  # The minimal severity for log messages
  # or null
  def: LogLevel
  # The log level to use, options:
  # ["Debug","Info","Warn","Error"]
port: # optional
  # The port on which to serve web requests
  # or null
  <number> # between -9223372036854775808 and 9223372036854775807
docs-url: # optional
  # The url for the documentation site to refer to
  # or null
api-url: # optional
  # The url for the api to use
  # or null
web-url: # optional
  # The url that this web server is served from
  # or null
data-dir: # optional
  # The directory to store workflows during editing
  # or null
google-analytics-tracking: # optional
  # The google analytics tracking code
  # or null
google-search-console-verification: # optional
  # The google search console verification code
  # or null