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A comprehensive self-management system

Building with stack

Documentation about installing Smos using stack

It is possible to build smos using Stack, but this method is mainly available for development purposes. In practice we recommend using Nix for installing Smos.

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Decide whether you want to build the smos-server executable. If you just want to use smos, smos-query and the other command-line executables, the answer will be "no". In that case, you can remove the stripe-client line from the stack.yaml file and continue to the next step.

    If you do want to build smos-server, then you need to generate the stripe-client package.

    1. If you have nix installed, you can run this command and skip the rest of this step:

    2. Get the stripe OpenAPI spec. The smos/nix/overlay.nix file specifies the version of stripe-spec to use. You will need the openapi/spec3.yaml file from that repository.

    3. Get the openapi3 client code generator:

      stack install openapi3-code-generator --stack-yaml setup-stack.yaml
    4. Generate the stripe-client library using this command:

      ~/.local/bin/openapi3-code-generator-exe --specification /path/to/openapi/spec3.yaml --configuration stripe-client-gen.yaml
  3. Install prerequisites:

    stack install autoexporter
  4. Install Smos with the default configuration:

    stack install smos
  5. You probably want to also install related tools:

    stack install smos-query
    stack install smos-archive
    stack install smos-single
    stack install smos-sync


Stripe client

/home/user/src/smos/stripe-client/: getDirectoryContents:openDirStream: does not exist (No such file or directory)

If you see the above error, you probably skipped the "Generate the stripe client" steps above. This happens because we generate the stripe client based on the openapi3 spec for Stripe's api. This generated code is not committed to the repository.


You may get an error about autoreconf not being available if autoconf is not installed. Make sure that you have autoreconf on your path.

Arch linux

Do not install stack or any other haskell packages using pacman. This is unlikely to build at all and will most likely cause in bugs if it does. Instead, install stack by following the documentation on this page